Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Entry 5.2

  • ¨Explain how your company would use an extranet to do business with another business.  Use the terms extranet, VPN, firewall, client, server, and internet in your 3-5 sentence discussion.
               The diagram above is an extranet diagram.  Extranet enables 2 or more firms to use the internet to do business through use of VPN and firewall technologies.  VPN or Virtual Private Network is used to ensure transmission of proprietary information.  The Firewall or the gatekeeper is used to authenticate users and provide security.  In extranet the client must travel through the firewall and VPN to get to the server.  My company (the Pharmacy) can benefit from using the extranet because there is no special training needed and it reduces the number of misunderstandings.   

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