Friday, September 10, 2010

Blog Entry 1.2

Name 3 things you would want to track data for in tour company.  Explain how the data can be defined as data, information, knowledge and wisdom.

  • Data: Customers
  • Information
    • Customer Code ( i.e 2468)
    • Name
    • Phone Number
    • Gender
    • Method of Payment
    • Address
    • Products
  • Knowledge
    • 2-468 => Bart Smith
  • Wisdom
    • Type of medicine they need
    • When they come to pick up Meds
    • How much medicine they need
  • Data: Medicine
  • Information
    • Name
    • Item Code (i.e 123456)
    • Amount of Med
    • Side Effects
  • Knowledge
    •  12-3456 => Ibupofen
  • Wisdom
    • Who the medicine belongs to
    • How much of that medicine there is
    • The side effects of that medicine

  • Data: Employees
  • Information
    • Name
    • Employee Code (i.e 3691)
    • Salary
    • Work Hours
    • Total Hours Worked
  • Knowledge
    • 36-91 => Janice Smith
  • Wisdom
    • Who worked how many hours
    • How much that person gets paid
    • That persons work hours
    • The name of that person

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