Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog Entry 3.2: Building A Business Case

  1. Give three types of arguments for why your company's decision maker should decide to implement your proposed information system changes.
  2. Use arguments based on Faith, Fear, and Fact.
Fact (intelligent system) - By introducing the intelligent system to our company we are now able to increase the speed of organizing our medicine by double our previous rate. 

Faith (Functional Area Information System) - Although we may not be able to support using this information system very well, we feel that by implementing the functional area information system we will be able to make it easier for customers to be able to pick up their medicine in a quick and timely fashion...just trust us.

Fear (Transaction Processing System) - This information system is crucial in continuing our business.  If we do not implement this transaction processing system soon our competition will run us out of business...It's either now or never.

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